{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/utilities/thumbnail.html.twig' %}
{% block thumbnail_utility %}
{% set hasIesLazyLoading =
config('IesLazyLoading6.config.lazyloadIcon') is not same as 'disabled'
and 'no-lazyload' not in sectionClasses|default([])|join(' ')
and 'no-lazyload' not in blockClasses|default([])|join(' ')
and 'js-load-img' not in attributes.class|default('')
and ('image-slider-image' not in attributes.class|default('') or config('IesLazyLoading6.config.lazyLoadSliderImages')|default(false))
and ('gallery-slider-thumbnails-image' not in attributes.class|default('') or config('IesLazyLoading6.config.lazyLoadSliderImages')|default(false))
and (attributes.loading is not defined or attributes.loading is same as 'lazy') %}
{% if hasIesLazyLoading %}
{% set attributes = attributes|default({})|merge({
'loading': 'lazy',
'data-ies-lazy-loading': 'true',
'onload': 'onIesLazyLoaded(this)',
}) %}
{% endif %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}