{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/base.html.twig' %}
{% block base_body_classes %}
{{ parent() }} {% if not data.get('conversionCheckoutType') %} show-conversion-checkout {% endif %} {{ config('LoyxxSW6ConversionCheckout.config.listPaymentMethods') ? ' loyxx-cc-payment-list-view ' : '' }} {{ config('LoyxxSW6ConversionCheckout.config.listShippingMethods') ? ' loyxx-cc-shipping-list-view ' : '' }}
{% endblock %}
{% block base_body_inner %}
{# Enable the form field customization only when the user inside checkout and have enabled the enableFormFieldCustomization from config#}
{% if controllerName | lower is same as ('register') and controllerAction | lower is same as ('checkoutregisterpage') and config('LoyxxSW6ConversionCheckout.config.enableFormFieldCustomization') %}
<template data-checkout-field-customization="true"></template>
{% endif %}
{{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}